Monday, January 14, 2008

Dress up a pet

Hi guys! Guess what? Its National Dress Up A Pet Day!! If you have a cat, make it a bear! If you have a dog, make it a spider!! If you have a fish, make it a dinosaur!!! If you have a hamster(like me), make it a cow!!! If you have a pet rock, make it a shark!!! If you don't have a pet, go find a rock!! You can even teach them tricks! Like what?? To sit & stay!!! And your parents will love it too because it won't go to the bathroom on the carpet!!! So whatever pet you have, go dress it up!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we might be able to dress the Gradster up as a bear, buy the constant "MMEEOOWW!!! at the top of his lungs would give him away...don't ya think???

Fred's Dad