Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Hi Guys!!

Hey!! Sorry I haven't posted lately. :( Ive been pretty busy lately. So I'm going to do a little catching up!!

1) 21st- Martin Luther King Jr's Birthday! Happy Birthday To Martin Luther King Jr. !! What a long name!!

2) 18th- National Start A Blog Day!!!! Post to me if you want to start one & have some ?s!!

3) 19th- National Take Your Dad Out For Breakfast Day!! Sunny side up, please!!

4) 22nd-Natoinal Take Your Younger Sibs To The Arcade For The Afternoon Day!!! Get your name on the high-score list!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your posts, Raisa. You make every day special with your National Day comments. Keep up the good work.
Grandpa Ed