Tuesday, May 20, 2008

It's the end...

Hey peeps!!!! The end of the school year is here!! Most of the time it is happy, but this year is my last year at my school. Next year I’m going to middle school. Me & my friendz are kinda sad. But happy at the same time. “It’s bittersweet” in the words of my dear friend CarliQ.



Anonymous said...

I read thaat bittersweet coment Couldn't agree more.On my blog


I have pics of my couszin Erin She is the cutest little thing!!!

Anonymous said...

Jason Castro sang this song and i thought it would be a perfect song for graduation ....Its by dolly Parton.

Well, I can't tell you where I'm going
I'm not sure of where I've been
But I know I must keep travelin'
Till my road comes to an end

I'm out here on my journey
Trying to make the most of it
I'm a puzzle I must figure out
Where all my pieces fit


Like a poor wayfairing stranger
That they speak about in song
I'm just a weary pilgrim
Trying to find what feels like home

Well, that is no one can tell me
Am I doomed to ever roam
I'm just travelin' travelin' travelin'
I'm just travelin' on.

Questions I have many
Ansewers but a few
We're here to learn the spirit burns
To learn the greater truth

We've all been crusified
And they nailed Jesus to the tree
And when I'm born again
You're gonna see a change in me

God made me for a reason
And nothing is in vain
Redemption comes in many shapes
With many kinds of pain

Oh, sweet Jesus if you're out there
Keep me ever close to you
As I'm stumbling tumbling
As I'm traveling through

I'm just traveling traveling traveling.
I'm just traveling through ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh.
I'm just traveling traveling
I'm just traveling through ooho ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh.

Oh sometimes the road gets rugged
And it's hard to travelin' on
But hold in to each other
We don't have to work alone
When everything is broken
We can mend it if we try
We can make the world a difference
If we want to we can fllly.
Good-bye you little children
Good-night you handsome men
Farewell to all you ladies
And to all who knew me when...
And I hope I'll see ya down the road
You meant more than I knew
As I'm travelin' travelin' travelin' travelin' travelin' through
Drifting like a floating boat
And roaming like the wind

Oh give me some direction lord
Let me lean on you
As I'm travelin' travelin' through (Repeat, Repeat)
Like the poor wayfaring stranger
That they speak about in song
I'm just like a weary pilgrim
Tryin' to find my own way home

Oh, sweet jesus if you're out there
Keep me ever close to you
As I'm travelin' travelin' travelin' through

Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh travelin' through.

Anonymous said...


Carli said...

rasia i hope ypu have a good vacation in the neather lands lol(you know what i mean) please write something on my blog!! please

Anonymous said...

hey raisa i am so excited 4 7th grade. have u ever talked to nick. u havent talked to him 4 like ice ages!

Anonymous said...

the last commet was from me carli. i kept on typing in my password and it said incorrect password i dont know why it said that