Hey guys!! Guess what?? Today is National Handwritting Day & National Pie Day!!! Why don't you bake a pie, and while it's baking, practice your handwritting!! Whether you preffer to write in Cursive(YUCK), manuscript(like most people) or sloppy(like me)!! No matter what you write in, your teacher will thank you!! Now back to the pie, I LOVE ruhbarb, but you may like cherry!!! Bake your fave!!!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Hi Guys!!
Hey!! Sorry I haven't posted lately. :( Ive been pretty busy lately. So I'm going to do a little catching up!!
1) 21st- Martin Luther King Jr's Birthday! Happy Birthday To Martin Luther King Jr. !! What a long name!!
2) 18th- National Start A Blog Day!!!! Post to me if you want to start one & have some ?s!!
3) 19th- National Take Your Dad Out For Breakfast Day!! Sunny side up, please!!
4) 22nd-Natoinal Take Your Younger Sibs To The Arcade For The Afternoon Day!!! Get your name on the high-score list!!
1) 21st- Martin Luther King Jr's Birthday! Happy Birthday To Martin Luther King Jr. !! What a long name!!
2) 18th- National Start A Blog Day!!!! Post to me if you want to start one & have some ?s!!
3) 19th- National Take Your Dad Out For Breakfast Day!! Sunny side up, please!!
4) 22nd-Natoinal Take Your Younger Sibs To The Arcade For The Afternoon Day!!! Get your name on the high-score list!!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Hi guys!!!
Hey! We have another birthday!! Its Martin Luther King Jr. !!!!! Why don't you look him up and see how much America has changed. Did you dress up your pet?? I hope!! My hanster, Andy(i'll try to get him on my blog) was the Easter Bunny!! He looked adorable!! Oh Yeah!!
Me & my friends are going to be in a talent show!! We don't know what to do though!! We're asking YOU to post us some ideas!! Could you do that????
Me & my friends are going to be in a talent show!! We don't know what to do though!! We're asking YOU to post us some ideas!! Could you do that????
Monday, January 14, 2008
Dress up a pet
Hi guys! Guess what? Its National Dress Up A Pet Day!! If you have a cat, make it a bear! If you have a dog, make it a spider!! If you have a fish, make it a dinosaur!!! If you have a hamster(like me), make it a cow!!! If you have a pet rock, make it a shark!!! If you don't have a pet, go find a rock!! You can even teach them tricks! Like what?? To sit & stay!!! And your parents will love it too because it won't go to the bathroom on the carpet!!! So whatever pet you have, go dress it up!!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Happy Birthday!!
Happy birthday to Orlando Bloom! Why don't you sing to him!! Or better yet, go rent 1 of his movies!! I recomend "PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN" Oh, before I ferget, go post a joke or a comment on CarliQ! Check there! Its so cool!! I posted one!! Why don't you? So go ahead! Post away!!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Be Aware!!
Friday, January 11, 2008
My Thank-you's
Hi readers!! Since it is National Thank-You Day, I want to send out a few shout outs.
*My mom- she helped me start my blog
*My friend Carli- for being such a great friend{check out her blog! its called CarliQ. Its under my Friendz list. She probably wants to thank me for reccomending it.:) }
*My other friend Hannah- for being Hannah(her blos is also under Friendz)
* You!!- you are reading this!!!
Hi! Be sure to thank someone today!! Why, you ask?? Its international thank you day! So, THANK YOU FOR READING MY BLOG!!!!!!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Welcome to i-FriendZ
Hey! Welcome to my blog! My blog is rab!(really awesome blog) LOL! My name is Raisa! I hope you enjoy it. I will try to post fun, new things every week. So keep checking back!!
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